My Counselling and Psychotherapy approach is based on Transactional Analysis (TA).

What is Transactional Analysis?

'Transactional analysis is a theory of personality and a systematic psychotherapy for personal growth and personal change' – The International Transactional Analysis Association

One of the aims of Transactional Analysis is to help people understand what they are experiencing and to support themselves to be healthy. TA is a talking therapy - a collaboration between the therapist and client based on open communication with diagnosis and treatment planning. This approach helps clients to be actively involved in their own therapy.

Transactional Analysis is based on a set of philosophical concepts about people and their goals of change based on the premise that:

  • People are okay
  • Everyone has the capacity to think
  • People decide their own destiny and these decisions can be changed
  • Transactional Analysis (TA) is a theory of personal development, relationships and interactions
  • People having emotional, relational or other difficulties are nonetheless full, intelligent human beings
  • We are responsible for our own experience
  • All emotional problems are curable given adequate knowledge and the proper approach
  • Change is possible

TA offers a range of practical ways of understanding peoples needs and of promoting growth and change. Many of its models of interaction are easy to explain and grasp. Some clients find the way that TA theory explains their difficulties very helpful and say that knowing the theory helps them to feel more in control of what they are experiencing.  If you don't like theory I am ok if you prefer not to visibly see the working models and diagrams if you prefer to leave the theory part to me.

As a counsellor and psychotherapist, I find that TA offers me many ways of supporting my clients, enabling them to resolve the issues that hold them back from living life in a way that can be satisfying and fulfilling.